Friday, August 14, 2009

Am I feeling relief, or am I in shock?


There are no children in my house. That's right, my friends, for the first time in 10 years, all of my kids are walking, talking and in school all day on a matching schedule. No running to drop them off after lunch, no interrupting naps to pick someone up, no babies in my house at all. Period. Yes, I think it might be shock I am feeling.

They were all so adorable in their back to school outfits and new backpacks. I'd post a picture, but I still don't know how. I have begged my computer savvy, extremely loving and indulgent husband to figure it out for me, and then show me how, so maybe soon some visual aids will join my words. But until then, picture three mini me's, only way, super cuter, with great big packs on their backs and 3 boxes of Kleenex clutched in their hands heading into school. This is, unbelievably, Dillon's last year in elementary school in this district. It does seem like only yesterday, as we moms are wont to say, that I was taking HIM to his first day of kindergarten. Time surely does fly.

We had chocolate chip panckakes for breakfast. Talia's hair was braided and pulled back into pig tails. Dillon's feet are almost the same size as mine. The boy's shirts matched, but they had different shorts. Ta looked too much like a teenager for my heart to handle. My house is so quiet. Yep.....I am pretty sure it is shock.