Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rockin' foot?

A couple anecdotes from the Rowland household for your enjoyment

Anecdote 1:

Last night for dinner was bow tie pasta with spicy alfredo sauce, topped with seasoned chicken. MMMMmmmmMMMMmmm good. Everything was ready and the kids were around the table helping me out by gathering plates, cups and what-not, and what comes on the radio?? Oh, trust me, you want to know! I mean, I don't know, or care, what your preferred genre is, this song is good stuff. How can you go wrong with a title like Rockin' the Beer Gut? Not possible! This song is a must sing along, as you can imagine, and if you can't something MUST be wrong with your imagination, and you might wanna have that looked into. As my children and I have excellent imaginations, we went to town. I squealed in girlish delight (...) and ran to the living room to blast the volume, and hustled back to the table so the party could begin. Picture it: the four of us dancing like loons, lip syncing our hearts out, while Dillon and Caleb accompany us on their guitars, comprised of a broom and a long wooden stick. When the chorus got to the line about it just being a little extra love around the waist, I actually picked Caleb up and wrapped him around my middle. Sigh....good times. For the uninformed, here are the lyrics so you can get the full picture!
Sometimes I wonder, am I warping them, or creating priceless memories? Then I laugh it off and get back to the real world!

Anecdote 2:

Yet again, it's dinner time. This evening, per petite request, is the classic Homemade English Muffin Pizza. Kids dig the zanniest things. When Ta came into the kitchen, she exclaimed out loud in her excitment, and I got the elusive "Oh, thank you Mommy!" with no prompting what-so-ever. So out comes the first sheet of pizza muffins, and I am getting the kids plates all together as I discuss with John his progress on heating up some leftover porkchops for me, which had been prearranged. Needless to say....John was emailing as he laid out on the couch, i.e. NOT holding up his end of the bargain. Therefore, it was my indisputable wifely duty to harrass him for his slacking. To which it was his husbandly duty to tackle me and slam me (in the most loving and non abusive way) up against the door. To which it was the kids childrenly duty to jump on his back and come to my defense. While this was all terribly enjoyable and laughter filled the room, the best is yet to come! Because the monkey on John's back led to him losing his balance and staggering backwards. Doesn't that sound inocuous? Well, unbeknownest to all of us revelers, Caleb had brought in his freshly served up muffin pizza and put the plate on the floor, in preparation for our family movie night, and said muffin pizzas had the misfortune of being in the path of John's enormous, hairy, MAN FOOT! As our poor littlest guy looked sadly upon his plate and uttered this miserable line..."My pizzas!"....John begins hopping on one foot, uttering a strangled "Ahhhhhhh! It's hot!" And me, being the loving wife that I am, collapsed on the floor laughing, and responded with..."Well, yeah, it's fresh out of the oven!" Ahhhh, good times!
I have a picture of the foot pizza, and once I figure out how, I will add it in here. Heh

I hope you have enjoyed this peek into our world, we sure enjoy being here!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Is it the universe, or is it the van?

So, when someone else's insurance adjuster suggests that you vehicle is bad luck, what's that say about the state of things? A few years ago, after adding Caleb to our brood, we correctly surmised that Dodge did NOT invent the Neon for a family of 5. This called for an upgrade. Thus, Betsy Blu entered our family (yes, we name our vehicles, among various other innanimate objects. Don't judge!) Boy were we in heaven. I mean, seriously people! We could do Wal-Mart AND Sam's Club in one trip, and still go shopping as a family. Well, approximately 4 months later, in what I hear was a lovely rainstorm, a very nice man lost control of his vehicle and came to a forceful stop- in the side of our beautiful Betsy Blu. We should have seen the writing in the sky then, but how were we to know that was just the beginning? In the four-ish years Betsy has been in our family, she has had, as of 1:08 PM, June 9th, been involved in 4, count 'em- FOUR, collisions. Here's a count for your edification: Our fault- 0. Repair required- 3. Children involved- yes. Rain involved (aka hydroplane. Come on folks! Let's slow down and drive with care!)- 2. Hit and Run- 1. So when Mr. Aaron Aust from Progressive chuckles over our ordeals and suggests that mayhap our minivan isn't the treat we thought her to be, can you blame me for wondering if there might just be a smidge of truth involved? Well, praise the Lord and pass the pudding because noone was injured but the van for the fourth time. And wise or no- I LOVE YOU BETSY BLU!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh, no, here I go...

OK, I held out on myspace for years. Then I piddled around on it and hated it to Hades. Then it was facebook, and I was resolute about not being drawn in. Look how well I can stick to my guns! No facebook here, no sirree! Then Kesha had this adorable blog...which I bookmark.... which led to link clinking.... which led to thinking. I know, dangerous right? So here I am, link clicking away, reading all these great stories about other families and the delightful little things so and so's cutie pie did today, and I realized something. OMG! MY cutie pies do things worth remembering, and my memory gets more faulty every year! All these beautiful memories would be lost in the miasma of my mind. That would truly be a tragedy. Well, to me any way. So there begins the thought- I could blog. I mean, it's like talking, right? And boy can I talk! And who cares if only I ever read it and laugh at my cutie pies funny doings? I'll be able to hold on to those moments for as long as I can back up my harddrive! Amazing. So, it looks like I have fallen into the blog trap. Let's see how well I manage!