Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The long and short of it

According to my friend Andy, it is possible that my previous blog is too long. Now I have had a few hours to think about this information, and here's what I decided- I am not changing it! Oh my gosh, do you know how long I spent putting those pictures on there?? Any tinkering I do to it could cause permanent damage. I just can't go through that again. So I came up with a terrific solution! If you find your interest waning, pretend I made two separate posts. One in which I bragged about Dillon and fussed about pets, and another in which I went on and on about Halloween. Then it would be two bloggs of perfect length. See, Andy? I'm such a genius.

Anyhow, time to move on. I have decided to do a little memoir of each of my youngins this week. That way I can look back when they are teenagers and remember what I love about them. Just kidding! Kind of...

It always amazes me how unique they are, and how they each shine in their own special areas. Is it wrong to envy your own children's childhood? Nah, I choose not to think so. Rather, perhaps its evidence that we aren't doing everything wrong, if I can wish that I had had a childhood like theirs. Most of you know I had, to put it politely, a rather unhappy childhood, and I remember back in the wisdom of my youth (and they are amazingly wise sometimes, aren't they, the young?) thinking to myself- someday I will have my own babies and I will know how not to hurt them. One of my strongest desires as a parent is for my kids to grow up with a different driving force. I know John and I make mistakes, but as a whole, we are helping to turn out some pretty amazing people. So I want to brag a little, and hold on to a bit of who they are at this time in their lives.

So keep an eye out for some anecdotes and personality highlights of Dillon, Talia and Caleb- though not necessarily in that order!

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