Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh, no, here I go...

OK, I held out on myspace for years. Then I piddled around on it and hated it to Hades. Then it was facebook, and I was resolute about not being drawn in. Look how well I can stick to my guns! No facebook here, no sirree! Then Kesha had this adorable blog...which I bookmark.... which led to link clinking.... which led to thinking. I know, dangerous right? So here I am, link clicking away, reading all these great stories about other families and the delightful little things so and so's cutie pie did today, and I realized something. OMG! MY cutie pies do things worth remembering, and my memory gets more faulty every year! All these beautiful memories would be lost in the miasma of my mind. That would truly be a tragedy. Well, to me any way. So there begins the thought- I could blog. I mean, it's like talking, right? And boy can I talk! And who cares if only I ever read it and laugh at my cutie pies funny doings? I'll be able to hold on to those moments for as long as I can back up my harddrive! Amazing. So, it looks like I have fallen into the blog trap. Let's see how well I manage!

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